Linlithgow Burgh Trust

Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow

BBL Logo Colour 300
Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow is primarily involved in 'hands-on' work, creating and maintaining all the town's public floral displays - hanging baskets, beds and plant containers - carrying out tree planting and other environmental improvements, encouraging wildlife and enhancing the urban scene generally.


Doocot in Learmonth GardensLearmonth Gardens


Linlithgow Civic Trust

Linlithgow Civic Trust

The Civic Trust aims to encourage the conservation of the town’s historic buildings and environment, and tries to ensure that new development is of good design, appropriate to the town’s character. We organise relevant visits and lectures and produce publications and merchandise that help to promote Linlithgow.

churchLinlithgow's Historic Buildings


Perambulation of

Linlithgow Marches

Wed 12 June at 7:00pm <MORE>

News/What's Coming Next


Putting Linlithgow on the Map

Chris Long's new book should be on sale later this year.  Click Here to reserve your copy at the pre-publication price of £15.



Work has started on a new Trust website, which should be available this summer.  

2023-24 Lecture Series

The very successful 2023-24 lecture series has now ended and plans are underway for the 2024-25 series, starting in the autumn.

Download The LOWDOWN
Linlithgow Burgh Trust Spring Newsletter