Burgh Beautiful Linlithgow
Welcome To Linlithgow
Town Entrance Planters
Burgh Beautiful volunteers like to play their part in welcoming visitors to Linlithgow and, to that end, they provide floral displays all year round to mark all but one of the town’s road entrances – at Mains Road, Preston Road (as shown on left), Manse Road, Edinburgh Road, Blackness Road and St Ninian’s Road. Only at the entrance from Falkirk was it not possible to find a suitable position for them.
Originally, the plants were placed in wooden barrels, but when they started to rot away, they were replaced by steel planters from Ogilvie Engineering of Kilmarnock which have proved their worth already. Funding for these and other planters in the town was provided by the Linlithgow & Linlithgow Bridge Town Management Group.
And, of course, the town entrances are an ideal location to advertise Burgh Beautiful’s – and Linlithgow’s – fantastic success in Britain in Bloom, winning a ‘Gold’ award twice, and the whole UK ‘Town’ category once, from the Royal Horticultural Society.
Our thanks also, of course, to the public-spirited sponsors who provide the necessary funding, not to mention the volunteers who do the hard work.
Above: Photographs of town entrance planters.