Author name: John Aitken

The World-renowned Bartholomew Family – their Linlithgow roots and their stories

John & David Bartholomew
Thursday 20 March

Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road at 7:30pm.

John and David are direct descendants of the Bartholomew family who lived in Annet House for 50 years from 1752 starting with Archibald Bartholomew a burgess and prosperous Linlithgow merchant.

George Bartholomew (b.1784) started the Bartholomew family’s long association with map-making and engraving.  Six generations of notable map makers followed. 

The Changing Face of Linlithgow

Thursday 20 February

Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road at 7:30pm

This talk replaces the previously scheduled event.

To coincide with the launch of the Civic Trust’s latest publication – The Changing Face of Linlithgow, researched and written by the late Laurie Alexander and edited by Ron Smith – Mike Dunning will explore elements of the book using a presentation originally compiled by the author.

The talk will include an introduction to the Linlithgow born and bred architect by Sybil Cavanagh, former long-serving West Lothian Council local history librarian.

The Barony of Kinneil and the Lowland Clearances

Iain Kirkman
Thursday 23 January 2025
Iain Kirkman

Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road at 7:30pm.

Iain is currently a post-graduate PhD History Student at Edinburgh University studying the subject of his talk as part of the history of Bo’ness from 1750 to 1850, having gained an MSc that covered the same topic in 2021.

He is also a freelance, independent researcher and has been a long-term volunteer and amateur historian for the Friends of Kinneil – a local amenity society working to preserve and promote the House and Park of Kinneil in Bo’ness.

Putting Linlithgow on the Map

Chris Long
Thursday 21 November
Chris Long

Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road at 7:30pm.

Author of ‘Looking At Linlithgow’, Chris worked for many years as an architect in local and central Scottish government after studying architecture in Canterbury, Kent. He has lived for almost twenty-five years in Linlithgow, many of these serving as chair of Linlithgow Civic Trust. He combines family interests with running, hill walking, painting, and service to the community through Linlithgow Burgh Trust. His favourite places are Venice, the Isle of Man and, of course, Linlithgow.

Chris will talk about his research and the background to Linlithgow Civic Trust’s latest publication “Putting Linlithgow on the Map”.

Copies of the book can be purchased from local outlets or online for £17.50, including delivery.

Litter Pick

5 August 2024 – LITTER PICK

Burgh Beautiful organises litter picks throughout the year. It continues to amaze and disappoint how much litter is dumped in our town.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for future dates. Please do consider coming along – bags and pick sticks are provided.

Rosemount Park

24th July 2024 – ROSEMOUNT PARK
Rosemount Park

A large group of friends of the late Averil and Gavin Stewart met at Rosemount Park to plant a tree in their memory. Both Averil and Gavin were long time volunteers with Burgh Beautiful and they are sorely missed.

The tree, a Chinese Silver Birch, is the type which held pride of place on their back lawn and was the first tree they planted in their garden when they moved to Linlithgow in the 1970s.

Station Planters


A new train arrived on Platform One this week!

ScotRail makes a donation to Burgh Beautiful to supply and maintain all the colourful bedding plants around the station.

The ‘train’ planter had seen better days so was cancelled, but they were kind enough to put on a replacement for us. It’s now up to the team of volunteers to plant it up!

Planting Baskets

Planting Hanging Baskets

Some of the hanging baskets in the West Port area are attracting crows and magpies who dig up the plants with their sharp beaks. We are experimenting by planting our autumn baskets earlier with ivy and periwinkle so that they form a stronger root ball. Hopefully this will foil the birds attempts to dig them up!

Inviting Gardens

28th/29th June 2024 – INVITING GARDENS
Inviting gardens

Our Inviting Gardens over the weekend was a huge success. Some sixteen private gardens, a range of sponsored beds, Linlithgow’s community gardeners, as well as Burgh Beautiful beds all took part.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the annual event.

New Public Art

Thistles sculpture

This impressive metal ‘thistles’ planter and sculpture was installed in The Vennel.

The work was financed by Pubwatch under the watchful eye of Ian Gibson. It was designed and made by Kevin Hope of Bo’ness steel fabricators, Granfab Ltd.

The planting around the bottom of the sculpture, made up of various ‘thistle-like’ plants, and carried out by Quentin Allardice of Turf Irrigation Services (Scotland) Ltd who provided the drainage gravel and soil, reflects the design above.

Congratulations to all concerned! A worthy addition to the Linlithgow scene.

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